Sunday, July 17, 2011

Tool # 11 - Reflection about the 11 Tools Experience

After taking the assessment for the 11 Tools on Atomic Learning (scoring 70%) here are the final answers about 11 Tools I will post on today's blog.

1.  I have learned about so many different applications, web sites and ways to incorporate technology in the classroom.  As a special education teacher working with small groups or going into the classroom for inclusion, I find it more important that I understand all the different applications that can be used in the classroom so that I can be informed and help the classroom teacher with projects assigned.  I can also help my resource students with their class projects and help plan and implement with the teacher.  As far as working with small groups in my own classroom, I like the idea of using all the different applications with the i-Touch that I was given to use.  Students can use the i-Touch while they are waiting for their group to begin or as a tool to reinforce learning that is going on in the classroom.

2.  Going through the 11 Tools this summer has certainly been an eye-opening experience for me.  I didn't realize how "behind the times" I was until  I embarked on this assignment.  Teaching special education in a pull-out environment has hindered my knowledge of technology and how to best use it in my classroom.  My vision has changed because I now see the importance of my students using this technology and applying it to their level of learning on an almost daily basis.  I also see the importance of inclusion in the general education classroom in order for "my" students to experience this level of teaching and to be able to collaborate with their peers on projects assigned in the core subjects.  The only changes I need to make in my classroom is to implement whatever tools I am given to teach with.  Currently I have two desktop Dell computers that my students use for reading and math purposes.  Since I have been given the i-Touch to use, I plan on implementing this device by downloading applications applicable to reading, writing, spelling and math.  If I'm given other devices, I plan on taking staff developments to learn how to use them so I can implement them in my classroom as well.

3.  There were several obstacles to overcome in the beginning of this project.  The first 4 tools were difficult to understand especially when I didn't know what I was doing.  I was trying to figure it out on my own which was taking so much time and energy.  It was very helpful to attend the help sessions with our librarian and working with coworkers to help finish each tool.  Once I got past the first 4 tools, the rest went smoothly except for the time involved in this entire process.  There were many more than 9 hours involved in this project!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on completing the 11 Tools. I hope that you continue to use your blog to share your learning throughout the year.
